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Çarşamba, Şubat 23, 2005

Let's stop the racism

The negros are very dark and poor people. They can only eat plants and some kind of flowers. But some times, they can take protein, because pigeon is very cheap in USA especially in California.In spite of this the negros's penis are so long, avarage ratings are nearly 20cm, this is a very good point for the negros and for the istatistics for science. I dont have a penis, because I lost my penis in a sünnet orginization. The sünnet maker and my kirve made a horribily mistake while the operation. After this accident I went to the courth, but the our law system is very bad I coldnt take a good result.


Blogger doli incapax


23/2/05 16:32  
Blogger Hamizcan Turta

Yazar akici ve kusursuz ingilizcesiyle irkçilik olayina güzel bir bakis açisi getirmis.Böyle genç bir yazari elestirmek yerine, desteklersek türk yazin hayati büyük bir yazara kavusur.

23/2/05 16:40  

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