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Perşembe, Şubat 24, 2005

How can we live longer tahn a tortoise?

My Grandfather is 147 years old now. Because he always cares his meals. He never takes protein carbonhydrade etc. he only takes sunlights and water, only sometimes takes cultured amips because he is very old. In spite of this my grandfather is very sexful man. His avarage sex rate is 3 times per a day, this point is very good for my grandfather, for istatistics, for science, for my grandmother and for some our neighbours. But some of our neighbours dont like my grandfather because his unreasonable sexy attraction.


Blogger doli incapax

very good for you. we wonder ur rate!!?? ;))

24/2/05 13:12  
Blogger AluminyumFolyo

ahahah! d.i.'s very right. we all wonder that!

24/2/05 14:02  
Blogger doli incapax

of cource we all wonder! explaining of this is very important for people rights, in a EU passanger contry.

24/2/05 18:43  

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