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Perşembe, Şubat 24, 2005

What is Matrix?

I think matrix is the best film on the earth. Trinty is very cinematic and photogenic woman. but she is very callful like the other women, she is always speaking with mobile, immobile, counterly shortly all kind of telephone. And this callfulity, reflects to the phone bill. In my opinion we must use telephone for only short communications. However some people use telephone for the phone sex. But some woman can reject this suggestions. because some woman can be so frigid like Müzeyyen Senar. In spite of this Neo is very silent man, never talk with telephone very long, Hello Hello thats all.


Blogger AluminyumFolyo

Good morning my son... I became sick of 'callfulity' concept. First of all i must say that Müzeyyen Senar isn't frigid. When Neo sacrifices his money and says 'Müzeyyen please make phone sex with me' she'll accept his proposal. She's waiting for Neo.Understood?

While i finishing my words i present my appreciation to you...
Very good my son very good...

25/2/05 10:17  
Blogger doli incapax

hello hello its all'mus. seems familiar

25/2/05 11:14  

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